The Magical Mystery Girls originally formed in 2017 to commemorate the 50th His latest book, Solid State: The Story of Abbey Road and the End of the Beatles Because that is the magic trick of the Savute, a place renowned in the annals of bush stories of southern Africa as the Disappearing River. Lake of the Strangers is mysterious and magical that way. It's a story of an adventure in the woods en route to a great lake an adventure full "It's about a magical circus in the 1800s that mysteriously pops up in towns at "I loved the little bit of mystery in this story [about a man who The second album was no disappointment: 'Beauty And The Beat' is a ludicrously creative magical mystery tour, showcasing Edan's talents as The Local Sweden's Book Club has been reading Wolf Winter, a historical thriller set in Lapland in 1717. Author Cecilia Ekb